Structural Essentials: Fans of the hip
City: Hong Kong
State: N.T. Country: Hong Kong Speaker: Chris Clayton Date: 5th & 6th September 2024 Venue: Bodywork Training, 17A, Kings Wing Plaza 2, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.T. Price: Please email for details and registrations Enquire Now |
City: Herston (Brisbane)
State: Queensland Country: Australia Speaker: Chris Clayton Date: 5th & 6th March 2025 Venue: The Mayne Events Space, 288 Herston Road Price: $725 AU Enquire Now |
City: Mandurah
State: Western Australia Country: Australia Speaker: Alexia Langley Date: 2nd & 3rd May 2025 Venue: Seashells Mandurah, 16 Dolphin Drive Price: $725 AU Enquire Now |
City: Hong Kong
State: N.T. Country: Hong Kong Speaker: Chris Clayton Date: 24th & 25th June 2025 Venue: Bodywork Training, 17A, Kings Wing Plaza 2, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.T. Price: Please email for details and registrations Enquire Now |
City: Taipei
State: Taiwan Province Country: Taiwan Speaker: Julie Hammond, Director Date: 27th & 28th February 2026 Venue: Somategrity Academy, 6F, No.20, Hengyang Rd, Zhongzheng Dist Price: Please contact Julian on for details and registrations Enquire Now |
Fans of the Hip Course Description:
The hip and pelvis combine to transfer the forces from two legs into the one spine, and therefore have a hugely complex role to fulfil in the body. Ida Rolf described the pelvis as ‘the joint that determines symmetry’ and it is easy to see why. Differences between the hips can affect down into the legs or up through the spine. Achieving balance here can be essential for long lasting results in any therapy. This course sheds light on the pelvis – the keystone of human architecture – by organising the 20 or so muscles of the pelvis into three fans. As well as giving you strategies and techniques to balance these Fans of the Hip.
This course focuses on:
This Course focuses on:
*‘Fans of the Hip Joint’ - introduce the concept & anatomy of three fan-like soft tissue arrangements
*Using these fans to balance pelvic tilts and torsions
*Learning how to work accurately, effectively and sensitively with the adductors and deep lateral rotators, leading to the pelvic floor
*Structural & functional approaches for the pelvic floor, creating a balanced pelvis and functional hips
*Soft tissue approaches for SI joint balance
*The psoas complex and the many variations on ideas of how it does (or does not) affect pelvic, low back and hip patterns
Aims of the workshop:
Build a foundation for Structural Integration work
Understand the pelvis and its influence on the rest of the body via the Anatomy Trains
Give and progressively build on a system v. symptom based approach to healing
use functional & structural assessments to formulate session strategies
Apply Fascial Release work based on anatomy and body patterns
Shift from “ technique” to palpation driven work