Anatomy Trains in Training - Out of alignment training to prevent injuries and maximize performance
State: Country: Speaker: Ari-Pekka Lindberg Date: Venue: Online - Available to view for a further two months after purchase/access Price: $80AUD per presentation Enquire Now |
Presentation Description:
Understanding different movement strategies for different loading environments.
In training and in rehabilitation controlling the neutral has been in focus for decades: lifting with a straight spine, neutral alignment for the lower extremity to embrace supination and to avoid pronation, static scapular stability for push ups.
Without underrating the importance or value of neutral stability, the reality is that outside training and rehab facilities, most of the movement happens outside neutral, and in fact that is how it should happen.
This means that if we are going to coach, train or rehab clients towards their life/demands in their life, we need to be able to build movement strategy progression for training. Progression that takes them from neutral to four dimensional dynamic movement control, to out of alignment movement patterns.
Movement strategies for which situations and loading environments:
- Loading environment
- Goal / type of the movement
- Functional Neuro-MyoFascia in relation to safe and strong performance in 4D and out of alignment movement
- Structure & Function Neuromyofascia
in relation to
- Mobility
- Flexibility vs. Mobility
- Strength
- Concentric vs. isometric & eccentric
- Elastic power
- Movement stability & control
- Automatic motor patterns
- Conscious control
- Reflexive movement control
- Neuro-myofascial-skeletal interplay
About Ari-Pekka Lindberg:
Developer of Anatomy Trains in Training
Certified to teach:
Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function
Anatomy Trains in Training
As a teacher, lecturer, writer, physiotherapist and personal trainer, Ari-Pekka Lindberg specializes in a comprehensive and detailed understanding of movement in the context of the integrated myofascial web.
A-P has explored the functioning of the body from a multitude of different perspectives over the last 20 years. In his daily treatment and coaching practice he uses highly specific clinical and functional differential diagnoses, integrating them into an overall myofascial movement and posture analysis to rehabilitate and train his clients towards better health and performance.
He has written three books examining the field of exercise and wellness from different angles, exploring occupational health and wellbeing as well as more versatile and functional exercises that would best serve our neuro-myofascial entirety and personal goals.
A-P is a founder of and senior teacher for the largest personal trainer education organization in Finland, Trainer4you. He is known to give inspiring and intense yet also fun and entertaining lectures that put the theory into practice.