Structural Integration Through Resource-Oriented Movement
State: Country: Speaker: Karin Gurtner Date: Venue: Online - Available to view for a further two months after purchase/access Price: $80AUD per presentation Enquire Now |
Presentation Description:
Enhanced postural ease and movement freedom, accessible somatic wisdom, as well as inside-out vitality are essential to the vision of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) and Slings Myofascial Training. While skillful touch can enable a mover to inhabit their body differently, movement can assist the embodiment and sustainability of a hands-on treatment while fostering a feeling of self-reliance.
In this webinar, a coherent selection of Slings exercises is offered for session 1 (Superficial Front Line) and session 2 (Superficial Back Line) of the ATSI 12-session protocol. Considered are primary bodywork goals as well as movement functions and sensory qualities that are unique to the myofascial meridians in focus. Matching the specificity of ATSI, muscle-focused and fascia-focused movements are differentiated to aid structural balance and integration. For each exercise, adaptations are shown to make the repertoire attainable for a wide range of people.
If structural integration through resource-oriented movement is of interest, this webinar is for you.
About Karin Gurtner:
Founder and educational director of art of motion Academy, Karin Gurtner, is the developer of Slings Myofascial Training, an integrative movement concept which includes Anatomy Trains in Motion. She has created a Contemporary Pilates curriculum and produced several comprehensive online learning courses along with an extensive series of practice videos. Her publications include the Anatomy Trains in Motion study guide, co-authored by Thomas W. Myers, as well as the Slings Essentials manual for embodied learning.
Karin believes that knowledge should be shared generously to foster independent thinking – and that complex information needs to be delivered within a clearly defined and practical context to be embodied and ‘embrained’ alike.
Professionally, she sees herself as a resource-oriented movement activist, personally, as an ambassador for creative living. Bringing movement intelligence and her love for functional anatomy to the table, Karin inspires people around the globe with her work and inclusive approach to education.